Weekend Getaway: The Poconos

Every once in a while, it's nice to take a few days and get away. This past weekend a few of my friends and I drove up to the Poconos in Pennsylvania for a small getaway. We relaxed at the spa, shopped at the local outlets, and saved a day for horseback ri…


When you look up the word wanderlust  in the encyclopedia, it is defined as having  a strong desire for or impulse to wander or travel and explore the world. Flipping through the newest J.Crew catalog, every beautifully styled photograph and gorgeous location l…

Sparkling Fruit

I'm not much of a fruit person. Honestly I'd rather have a piece of chocolate cake if I had the option. I know I know, you can't really compare the two but in my eyes the chocolate cake would always win---unless maybe you dip the fruit in chocolate…