A Battle Already Won

I am reading through the Old Testament and had to stop and reflect when I got to the story of Gideon. It stuck on me because most of us tend to think that the people in the Bible had this great faith when the Lord approached them... but in this story we see that tho…

Lifestyle Portraits | Zachary

I remember it like it was just yesterday photographing Daniel & Jen's wedding. And now here we are celebrating their adorable son Zachary's first birthday.       He was born July 4th last year, and so Jen and Daniel created the most adorable backd…

Recipes | Tre Colori Pasta Salad

It's finally the Summer... and it's hot and sticky and well you may be wondering what can you cook that won't make you just want to get out of the kitchen and order takeout. Well I give you... Tre Colori Pasta Salad .       It is the p…

Grand Canyon and Sedona Adventure 2016

There are certain places that I've always wanted to see in person at one point in my life. That photos just wouldn't do it justice... and I had to see it through my very own eyes.  The Grand Canyon was one of those places. It was just too surreal to take…