2016: Oh What a Year

2016. Every year I sit in front of my laptop and every year I think how has another year gone by in a blink of an eye? I can't even put into words the amount of change, surprises, and beginnings that filled 2016. I traveled alone for the first time to a retreat …

A Promised Coming

It was prophesied in the Old Testament in Numbers 24:17, that a Star would come out of Jacob... the promised Messiah and Savior of the world. And so when the star appeared, the wise men knew that this star was unlike any other. With exceeding joy, they gathered…

Lifestyle Portraits | Zachary

I love watching families grow in front of my camera. I took little Zachary's photos for his first birthday back in June, and I was super excited when Jen asked me for a Christmas session... especially because she always makes amazing props and backgrounds! Here…

With Thanksgiving and Praise

The aroma of the turkey in the oven filling the rooms, my father playing the guitar as he whistles a tune, the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade playing in the background on our tv, and my Mamma stirring up some vegetables for her Pumpkin Soup in the kitchen.  …

Silence among the Chaos

Quiet. Stillness. Peace. In our world and society, these words seem to be the complete opposite of what we strive for. We want the success, we want the perfect home, family, job… we want the perfect life. And often times when we reach for the Lord, we only look for …

Lifestyle Portraits | Bryce

I was so excited when Jen asked me to take Christmas photos of her adorable baby Bryce. Jen and Anthony were my first engagement couple around 4 years ago. As soon as Jen arrived with Baby Bryce I went over to say hi to him and as I looked into the car, he sho…