I can't even put into words the amount of change, surprises, and beginnings that filled 2016. I traveled alone for the first time to a retreat in Georgia. I met dozens of beautiful women who loved the Lord… and my heart expanded so much more.
It made me realize just how short this life is and how much I want to pursue the Lord with everything I have and everything He has given me.
Then my Nonno was taken to the hospital out of nowhere and we had no idea what would come of it. I pleaded and cried my heart out to God not take him away from us yet. During this time, I grew and relied on the Lord like I never had before.
Then my Nonna went to the hospital several weeks later.
But the Lord answered, and both my Nonno and Nonna are here better than ever today. And we got to celebrate his 80th birthday all together.
All the glory I give to Him.
I got to see the Grand Canyon with my sister and cousin… and marveled at just how beautiful God created this world.
And just when I thought God was done… a new job opportunity opened up. And despite my greatest fears… I said yes.
I've been learning day by day, and most importantly growing. God is molding, squishing, pulling, and refining me in every way I never knew was possible.
2016 was a year that God showed me just how much He'll give us… if we just put our trust, our hearts, our worries… our every part of life in Him.
Oh 2016, if I can shout through the streets just how great God was this year I would, but instead I'll just post it on here.
God is good guys, I can attest to that because I know how much He has done in my life just this year.
And so I leave you with this: No matter how great your struggle, no matter how hard your circumstances, no matter how far you think you are… you are never ever too far gone from His love and forgiveness.
Just give that thing to Jesus. Whatever it is you are pleading for… give it to Him. And just watch what He'll do. I dare you.
Make 2017 the year you truly decide to live free and give it all to God… it'll be the greatest decision you'll ever make in your life. I promise.
Thank you so much to the readers of this little blog of mine, my clients, my family, and my friends who constantly believe in me… God truly blessed me with the most abundant love.
I wish you a new year full of joy, health, and new beginnings. I hope God surprises you with things you never even thought could be there for you.
2017, I'm so ready for you. Happy New Year!!!! <3
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