It was prophesied in the Old Testament in Numbers 24:17, that a Star would come out of Jacob... the promised Messiah and Savior of the world.

And so when the star appeared, the wise men knew that this star was unlike any other. With exceeding joy, they gathered treasures and gifts to bring to worship Him.

They followed that star until it led them to the Light itself: Jesus. 

The people of Israel were promised that their Savior would come. But God didn't just send their King right away... they had to patiently wait His arrival in His time.

I often wonder if the wise men ever doubted what they would find. God didn't give them a map or any signs that told them if they were going the right way... he just gave them a destination, and it was the light from the star. 

But they carried on and finally found the babe underneath the bright star.

It amazes me that a God so grand and majestic and powerful and wonderful... would come down here in the darkness, leave His glory to be with us. 

But what I find truly incredible is that God always does things in the most unexpected way. He always adds a mystery, something seemingly impossible to us as humans... but just the beginning of God's wonder. 

They expected a King that would bring justice and destroy the enemies of Israel... but He came down as an innocent little baby that would be a Savior and a Light to all.

They expected Him to have riches and power on Earth... but instead when He was born, there was no room for Him

This season no matter what circumstances we are facing, let us rejoice the reason we celebrate... because He is our hope. 

Because He came... all is well.  

//And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.// Luke 2:10-11

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