33: A Light in the Wilderness

Today I am 33 years old... hard to believe it myself! Other than my responsibilities as a new wife and a few wrinkles here and there ( sighhh lol ), I don't feel a day past 17. It's true that situations and circumstances push us forward in growing up as a no…

Alie & Leandro | Ideal Beach, NJ Proposal

This summer has been absolutely beautiful in New Jersey. It's been hot, yes... but I don't complain about that as long as it's sunny and gorgeous :D. I love when clients choose the beach for their portraits especially around sunset, the glow is just so w…

Antonietta's Bachelorette in Charleston, SC

This trip started out a bit rocky with two delays and a cancellation hours before our departure... but I'm so glad we finally made it to Charleston to celebrate my sister's Bachelorette! We were only there for 1 day, but I'm so grateful that the Lord all…