This summer has been absolutely beautiful in New Jersey. It's been hot, yes... but I don't complain about that as long as it's sunny and gorgeous :D. I love when clients choose the beach for their portraits especially around sunset, the glow is just so warm and inviting and simply beautiful. Ideal Beach was perfect because it isn't usually crowded which gives you plenty of space to pose.
I was so excited to document Alie and Leandro's proposal! Leandro had Alie's friends set up a beautiful table with all of the décor and have it ready to surprise her when they arrived. Whenever I photograph proposals, I always try (time permitting) to give the couple an engagement session too after He proposes to her :). The day couldn't have been more perfect, these are my favorites I photographed of them... wishing Alie and Leandro so much love on their new journey together!

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