The girl who didn't want to be found

"So you're like the girl who didn't want to be found..." My cousin suggested as she listened to one of my ramblings about a recent incident. 

 "Oh yea... yea I guess I am!" I laughed at her statement that seemed to perfectly hit the na…

As Simple as Snow

It amazes me that something as simple and delicate as snow can cause everyone and everything to just stop. Millions of these little ice crystals trickle down their own path slowly... and yet not one of them is alike. I once caught one on my glove a…

Love The Unlovable

I was sitting down with my cousin and sister a few nights ago during our new weekly bible study. We gathered together, books, pens, coffee mugs, notebooks sprawled onto the floor... but we didn't know where to start. So we decided on Matthew in the New Testament…

Recipes | Gnocchi fatti in Casa {Homemade Gnocchi}

Pasta, Pasta, Pasta. Is there anyone who doesn't love pasta?! I grew up on pasta so sometimes for me it can become a bit, dare I say boring ... but that's precisely why I love trying new pasta recipes! The idea of making homemade pasta can seem scary fo…

Baby Tell Me I'm Worth It

I was clicking through the buttons of my radio on the ride to work the other morning and stumbled upon the song Worth It  by Fifth Harmony. I'd heard this song before, and it's honestly quite catchy, and being a girl who likes to dance I don't mind the b…