Lifestyle Portraits | Little Ones: Jayden

I was so excited when I was asked to take photos of this sweet little boy. As soon as I arrived he had the biggest smile and I almost died of the cuteness. Chubby cheeks, and beautiful blue eyes...he was the perfect Gerber baby. And boy did he keep us on our f…

Twenty Four

Today I turned 24. Wow. Where did all this time go?!! I feel like it was just yesterday when I was with my sister playing with our Barbies and thinking about which outfit we should buy next. With every passing year it does at times feel a little less like my b…

Summer is...

The Summer will always be my favorite season. There's just a happiness in the air regardless of where you are in the world that everyone understands. It's the best time to get together with family and friends and and enjoy the warm weather. Of course no…

The Season of Tomatoes

When I was a little girl I always loved being part of the fun of the annual tomato-sauce making season. My Nonna, Mom, and Aunts would gather around a large table and cut hundreds of tomatoes to be then placed in jars. It would be a day long extravaganza of cut…