I'm not much of a fruit person. Honestly I'd rather have a piece of chocolate cake if I had the option. I know I know, you can't really compare the two but in my eyes the chocolate cake would always win---unless maybe you dip the fruit in chocolate. ;) Regardless, I try to eat more of it by mixing it in smoothies, cereal, shakes etc, anything to make it less bitter. 
     I'm always brainstorming and thinking of new projects I could do and so the other day I decided to photograph fruit in sparkling water. The fruits or vegetables always look so fresh and inviting in many ads, and so I experimented and gave it a try. I simply set up by an area with natural light (right before sunset), and then placed sparkling water in a tall glass right in front of the background. I then simply would drop the fruits in the water and used my macro lens on a fast shutter speed to capture the vibrant bubbles and splashes of the fruits. It took more than a few tries to keep the fruit from quickly floating to the top, but I eventually got the shot. Of course I ended up with a frozen wet hand....but anything for the perfect shot right? =) Happy Wednesday!!

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