It amazes me that something as simple and delicate as snow can cause everyone and everything to just stop. Millions of these little ice crystals trickle down their own path slowly... and yet not one of them is alike. I once caught one on my glove and it actually had the shape of a hand drawn snowflake.

It really looks like a snowflake!! I squealed with excitement. I guess part of me always thought our imaginations made up the shape... but they really are detailed!

I got all bundled up to help with shoveling the snow outside today. Leggings, extra thick socks that wouldn't fit into my rain boots, gloves, blanket-huge scarf and my Eskimo looking parka coat.

I look at the beautiful snowflakes piling up... so delicate and yet can also cause so much havoc. Shovel in hand, my mind starts to doze off and wonder... and then I'm brought back with a gust of wind, spraying cold little ice petals onto my face.

Ten minutes in the cold and my fingers already start to go numb with occasional shocks of heat... and then throbbing pain. How frail are our bodies?

People feel small when standing next to the ocean, which of course I do too. It's so majestic and big compared to our tiny selves.

But I'm humbled when standing outside as the snow falls and dances slowly all around me. 

These little snowflakes, as small as they may be show the grandiosity of their Creator. That even in the smallest particle... His power and beauty is always eminent.


  1. This is so lovely and beautiful!

    The last two lines were a treasure: "These little snowflakes, as small as they may be show the grandiosity of their Creator. That even in the smallest particle... His power and beauty is always eminent."

    Keep writing :-)

    1. Christina thank you so much for your kind words! They mean so much to me and keep me going, I definitely will keep writing <3
