I’ve kept this little project close to my heart for the past few months, and I'm so excited that I can now finally share it with the world! I love to write and have had this blog as a place for me to do that over the years, but I always prayed and dreamed that someday I could make my words tangible and into physical books. 

I never planned on writing a devotional on marriage, given I've only been married for 2 1/2 years, but the Lord placed it on my heart after meeting with a friend and then I started digging into scripture and He led me through it with much prayer and hours of study.

And so here it is! There are so many opinions and voices regarding marriage today that attack the beauty and purity the Lord intended for it— but what’s the truth?

 Who better to learn from than the very One who created it right?

This devotional is a companion to the Bible, so you can’t really read it without it because all of it points to scripture. I didn’t want it to be just my words, because then it would only be my opinion, and truthfully the only voice that matters is the Lord’s. 

It’s not only for women who are married or in a relationship, but rather anyone that wants to know the heart of God on this matter, because spoiler: marriage was actually created to be a mirror image of God’s relationship to a Christian believer! 

If you are married, about to get married, hope to someday get married or simply want to understand God's heart for marriage and all that He intended through it --- this book if for you. 

I hope it blesses you and gives you peace about God’s good and perfect design for marriage, but ultimately gets you closer to the Lord!

With my love and for His glory always, 




The Christ-Centered Marriage: A Bible Study seeking the truth about love and marriage the way God intended


Barnes & Noble:

The Christ-Centered Marriage: A Bible Study seeking the truth about love and marriage the way God intended

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