When my mom was diagnosed with cancer, my dad laid intubated in the ICU and given no hope to live, when my grandparents and aunt passed away…all within the past 2 years, I couldn’t grasp the evil and circumstances that was surrounding us. 

I couldn’t understand why God would allow this all at once… I kept uttering, Why Lord? Why all of this? I couldn’t see the future and what lied ahead… but I now see how Jesus never asked me to have strength. Instead as if I could feel His hand grab hold of mine, I clung to His word and He simply said, “Trust me”. 

God allows difficult seasons in our lives so that we can see Him work in us with His strength, not our own. In Matthew 17:20, Jesus states if we have faith as small as a mustard seed, we shall move a mountain. A mustard seed! That’s how little the Lord asks of us.  

But with the little I had, He said it was enough. Where the circumstances would’ve made anyone crumble with worldly hope… He carried me through to where we are now. He made a way in the wilderness, when I couldn’t even see what was going to happen within a few hours. (Isaiah 43:18-19) 

I see now all of the joy and blessings He’s brought me and my family and I cant help but praise Him and shout of all His faithfulness and goodness. 

We all go through difficult seasons, but I know He has a purpose for them all… to show us He is the anchor. He simply asks us to seek Him and only Him. 

If you are going through a dark season, a season of heartbreak, of waiting, uncertainty… I urge you to seek Him with all of your soul, mind, heart, and spirit. I promise you I’ve seen Him work impossible situations and bring joy out of them. He will carry you through for your good and His glory. (Romans 8:28) 

Only in Jesus.

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