Thursday, November 22, 2018

A Heart full of Praise

It's sort of funny how we dedicate one day a year for thankfulness. Truthfully it should be every day, because we have so much to be thankful for that we probably let slip away and otherwise go unnoticed.

And then I thought, well maybe it's hard. Sometimes people are in a rough season. Maybe this year you lost someone, lost your job, a relationship, your health is not okay, your family isn't on the greatest terms... and you just don't feel there is anything to be thankful for. 

And that's when I realize our lives are going to be filled with seasons of the highest mountains and the lowest valleys. 

Life could change in an instant, and what had been the everyday mundane could quickly become your wishing it back "one more time". 

I went through a few rough hills this year with my family, which could have had a totally different ending had God not been with us the entire time. 

Sometimes you'll feel like there's nothing "good" in your life that you should be thankful for. 

But I encourage you to be thankful anyway. 

Our perception is so thwarted, that we as humans don't often see the blessings around us. 

But God. 

Friend, I want to tell you, you're still here after that valley you trudged through. 

I'm learning that it's through our cracks that God's light and love shines through the most to the world. 

My heart is full of praise, not because my life is perfect... but because Jesus is

Because there will be valleys I must walk through, I praise God for His unending mercy towards me.

I realize how much of a wreck I am every day when I mess up... and when I run to God, He is there to pick me back up again. 

I'm grateful for my family He placed me in. 

The people I have had the opportunity to meet in my life, my wonderful clients who entrust me with their special moments, my talents, my home, who I am, and who I'm becoming. 

Most of all my heart sings praises to the One who gave His all for me. The One who counted me in and loved me as I am. 

I pray this year, you come to the table with a heart full of praise and wish you a beautiful Thanksgiving with your loved ones. 

// I will praise thee, O Lord, with my whole heart; I will shew forth all thy marvellous works. // Psalm 9:1

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