One of my favorite, most enchanting places I've visited thus far is the Amalfi Coast and all the little towns encircling the dwindling roads. For my 30th birthday, my family decided to celebrate by having dinner in Sorrento and then sightseeing a bit.
Sorrento is about 2 hours away from my family's hometown Torrioni. When we arrived we walked by Via Comunale and just admired the view for a bit. It's actually pretty funny that my sister was trying to take a photo of me, and so ended up taking my camera. I wasn't being too cooperative because I was trying to take another photo of the water and was waiting for people to clear the area a bit. But thankfully she kept the camera because as I was turned around someone came up behind me and lightly touched my waist and said, "Ciao bella..."
I turned around and saw Danilo... right there in Sorrento on my birthday! Truthfully I don't remember seeing or hearing anyone else at that moment, because I was so in shock that he flew across the world to surprise me. I looked to the right and my whole family was there with cameras and laughing. I turned back around and Danilo got on one knee and asked me to marry him.
My whole family knew and had been planning it since we left for Italy. I feel like I'm not one that is easily surprised, but this time they truly did an incredible job making sure I had no idea what was going on. The best part is Danilo prerecorded videos of himself back at home and would send them to me while I was in Italy. He even sent me a happy birthday video that morning before we left to Sorrento. Meanwhile, he was exploring the colosseum and eating pizza and gelato in Roma on his own adventure before coming to Sorrento!
Most girls think about how their proposal will take place. With all of the movies and books we're surrounded with, it's hard not to dream up of different scenarios for your own day. Plus I'm a wedding photographer... it's part of my job to look at all those pretty things. ;)
But I could've never dreamt up that Danilo would actually fly halfway across the world on my birthday to surprise me with my entire family in the most beautiful place. I can't thank everyone enough (especially my little sister too... I love you!!)
And with that, I came back home a little bit older, engaged, a camera filled with memories, and a full heart. Often times we want the greatest things in life to happen according to our own timeline, but God's plans always far exceed all of our expectations when we choose to trust in His timing.
Here are my favorite photographs from our beautiful day. Guys, I'm engaged! ♡

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