You probably think I got that title backwards right? But if you stay with me for a moment... you'll see how we're in certain seasons in our lives for a reason.
I feel a change in me. My spirit feels as bright as the lights around me and as festive as the brimming Christmas tree in my living room.
Not to sound overly cheesy, but there's something different and entirely new happening inside of me. It's like that part in How the Grinch Stole Christmas, when the Grinch feels his heart beating out of his chest and coming alive.
"Oh Martha! Oh Christmas!..."
They say when you become a believer in Jesus... you start to change. I've been seeing the fingerprints on my life and my entire outlook slowly take a curve... painstakingly slow at first. But then there's the certain outbursts where I find myself singing after a long day of work... and I look in the mirror and question, "Is that really you Barbara?!"
I barely recognize myself sometimes. And it's a good change.
They say once you turn to Jesus, get ready because there's gonna be a whole new you.
Suddenly the cloudy skies filter you once used to see... have suddenly become partly cloudy. Then you start to see the rays of light shining in. Pretty soon you'll be singing in the rain just like Gene Kelly.
Now I don't want to give a misconception, it doesn't happen the same way to everyone. And it certainly doesn't happen overnight. And your life will not become perfect from that point forth.
But surely you'll start to notice the changes in yourself.
It's like your heart was frozen... and it starts to beat again. The blood starts to flow and you find yourself marching to a whole other beat... flowing right from your own heart.
It's been a rough couple of years for me personally. But something has changed in me this year. I can actually feel God's presence in my life through different situations.
There's a certain peace I never had before. I find myself less anxious, and the singing.
After a long day I would usually cry... but recently I've caught myself singing in the car after a long day's work. I still cry sometimes (otherwise it woudn't be me xP)... but recently it's been grateful tears.
Everyday is something new.
This year is going to continue to mold my heart... because it already has.
God does listen, because everytime I think something... He responds in the most unlikely way.
God you're too good. And right now in this season... my soul glows.

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