Twelve years ago today, I published my first post on this blog. With only a few words and no photograph to accompany it, it was a start. I can still remember sitting on my bedroom floor, after a good cry and thinking of something inspirational to type up. I was 22 years old and just graduated college with no idea what to do next.
Would I find a job and do what I had studied all these years to do? Was that it? I was searching for something more.
"God, will you please give me something to do? Something that I could be good at and love?"
I remember pleading with God with this desire. What's funny is that I also remember casually asking God this question when I was in the 6th grade, looking for "potential careers" as I grew up. Nothing stood out to me. But for fun, I continued to set up photo shoots of my siblings and cousins and write up newsletters for our family that would read them.
I smile as I look back now. God really does work in mysterious ways.
This little online home became my creative journal to dream and document what I was learning and falling in love with—a creative space that I could use to escape life's mundane hustle.
But it became so much more. What I didn't realize was that every new post, project, and writing piece gave me a little more courage to grow.
All to say that more often than not, good things take time. But what's important is that we don't give up when we can't see anything just yet.
Perseverance builds character. Continue on until God leads you to where He needs you to be. It might start out with one idea—or fifty—but you never know what He has in store for you unless you keep trying.
Remember, it's not how you begin, but rather looking back and seeing how far God's taken you and knowing that He has the best yet to come for those that trust in Him.
As more years pass by, the more I come to know this truth: It doesn't matter what you do, but why and who you do it for.
Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God. - 1 Corinthians 10:31
There's been so many times I said, "What's the point? No one cares anyway..." and almost quit altogether. But I'm so grateful that I didn't. Our work and words on this earth matter because God is still working.
If my work encouraged only one person and led them to know God's goodness... I'd say I was successful.
If you've read this far, thank you. You might be the one person God wants to reach and let know how much He loves.
Thank you to all of my wonderful clients who continue to entrust me with their memories.
I'm so excited for the new dreams God has placed on my heart and to see where He'll take me!
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