I almost didn't write this post. I started writing thinking Wow, this year was a total fail.  Nothing amazing happened worthy of telling. But then I started looking through my journal and photographs of the past year... and my words leaped out of the pages, hoping that somehow I'd see the story unfolding within the scribbled notes. 
     I somehow thought that only perfect moments could be documented. That somehow the rest of our every days shouldn't be remembered or written down. That our triumphs are worth more than our struggles and tear-stained cheeks. But this year changed my perspective. It wasn't a year of much commotion or "successes", or even big changes on the outside I guess you could say. But what I gained is worth more than anything this world could've ever given me in an entire lifetime. 
     Amongst the days that were filled with tears and questions and confusion, I learned to praise His name in all things. A fire has sparked in my soul and it is the most overwhelming and loving, unreachable, reachable, crazy, immensely, beautiful feeling that I have ever felt. I have come to whisper and shout Jesus' name in every circumstance in my life. Where I once felt like it was an obligation, I now know that I have a God that not only hears me and sees me... but He delights and walks with me everyday.
     And so this year was not a failure at all, it was little cracks of happenings that made me grow in places that would've not, had anything happened differently. And so where growth happens, change will follow. I'm learning to be happy within the circumstances, and enjoy the season and people that are around me in this moment. 
     For the upcoming year, rather than set many plans and change yourself into a new person, I say leave some room for ideas and unplanned growth. Do what delights you, do what makes you feel happy... dance, sing, bake, skate, read, cook... there is no limit! Whatever you do, do out of passion and love. I can't wait to see what 2016 will bring... thank you so much for following along these words and photographs that represent who I am and all of my heart. I wish you and your loved ones a beautiful year!!!


  1. Love this and your pictures! You are so right.
    So excited to see what 2016 will bring-God has for sure some pretty amazing plans ahead we never would have dreamed of ourselves. Really curious to see what they are ;)


    1. Thank you Ida!! God is always good... I hope you had a wonderful New Year's with your family and friends! Can't wait to see all of the amazing things 2016 brings :)
