“I’m the problem it’s me”… well Taylor Swift got that right.
But what does the Bible say? Marriage and relationships are hard… that’s something that everybody tells you. But I don’t think anyone really believes it because they think they’ll be “different”.
Then why are there so many relationship issues today? Divorce, breakups… I was reading a devotional this morning and as if God planned it perfectly, it led me to 1 Corinthians 13:4-8.
It describes how Charity (the quality one should posses towards another person) has all these beautiful attributes such as patience, kindness, etc… and I decided to put my name in place of it to see if it aligned.
“Barbara suffereth long, and is kind; Barbara envieth not… is not puffed up… doth not behave herself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinks no evil…”
And as I shook my head and went down the list reading it… I realized I couldn’t answer yes to any of those attributes.
Most people today will say that to love others, you must love yourself first. But God’s Word says otherwise.
Love isn’t a feeling, it’s a decision. It’s about choosing to be these attributes that God says to be rather than looking for them in our spouses. It’s about aligning our hearts with what God says so that WE can become the very thing we desire first… and then He will do His work in the other person.
Friends the problem isn’t everyone else, its us. But God is so forgiving and full of grace that if we are willing… He will gently humble us and then we can get up and try again. <3
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