// Thoughts on bullying during heartbreaking times. //
Dear You,
Have you ever been bullied as a child or perhaps felt left out or teased as you got a little older?
The word "bully" has almost become taboo in our day and age.
It's also a very hot topic, considering all of the heartbreaking situations that have been going on around our nation lately in schools.
It's tragic, and to be honest no one should ever have to live through their school experience with such horrid memories.
But we live in a fallen world.
I feel as if everyone at some point in their lives is made fun of or felt left out.
Yes, it begins as early as a 4-year-old child in pre-school (I've seen it first hand). But the sad fact is that it continues on even as adults. It's just polished up a bit.
I would know because I too was one of them. I've been the target of name-calling, and avoiding hallways and classes, lunchrooms, and the much-dreaded recess time was part of my routine when I was younger.
And truthfully it hurt even more because I was quiet and didn't know how to stand up for myself. I hated confrontation and I still do.
I remember the feeling of my stomach twisting itself into knots when the person would hit me with their punch lines... and I would just stand there awkwardly looking away or barely whispering back a few words.
True story: In the 6th grade I'd hide away at the back of the school blacktop by the stairs, waiting for my mom to come pick me up and drive me around to talk to me just so I didn't have to be alone during recess. She was the best.
As I got a little older, I would just avoid and ignore. But it still hurt.
I never really understood why people have the need to comment or push others around.
Today it's been updated by using social media as a means to ridicule someone publicly.
But here's the thing my Mom would tell me that gave me hope: It's not going to be like this forever. This moment in time will pass as everything does, and it will be okay. YOU will be okay.
I carried that with me and I never changed myself to act the same way back.

The truth is there will always be people that bring you down no matter what age... because we live in a fallen world.
There will always be people that think you're odd because you're different or don't engage in certain conversations or activities.
The thing is that behavior is a reflection of who they are... not you.
But here's what they fail to tell you: it will not be like this forever.
There are so many teenagers and young kids and even adults that believe this lie that their life will always be like this, so there's no point.
No point in going on another day. No point in resisting. No point in having hope.
Don't believe it!
There are so many beautiful and wonderful things planned out for your life... this moment that you're going through will only be a memory someday. It's a promise that's been made to us.
Take it from a girl that thought she would always be the one without a voice... the girl that would go home with tear-filled eyes and held on to the very truth that it would all be okay someday.
The one thing you need to remember is that no matter what anyone tells you: YOU ARE LOVED.
You are not loved for the group of people you associate yourself with... you are loved by the person you were created as.
You are not loved for what you do... You are loved by what Jesus did for you.
You are not loved by your social, financial, relationship status or by how many likes and followers you have on Instagram ... you are loved by the God of the universe that existed before any of those things did.
You were fearfully and wonderfully made.
{Psalm 139:4}
God never said we wouldn't have trouble. But He did promise us if we hold onto Him during these times, we would make it through.
There will always be mean people. But in those times let us remember, that hurt people hurt people.
Unhappy people hurt people.
But the thing is... they're just people.
And they need love just as much as you and I do.
God forgave me... so I need to have the strength and courage to forgive others too.
You will get through these mountains.
You will get through this period in your life.
There will be a better tomorrow.
And one day you'll have the heart and courage to pass on the words of hope to someone else that may need it too.
Hold your chin up high.
The world needs you. Right here. Right now.
You don't change the world by being just like it... you change the world by being a light in the midst of the darkness.
Below is one of my favorite encouraging songs from Mandisa, I hope it encourages and reminds you that you too are an overcomer.
With hope and courage,
// You're an overcomer
Stay in the fight 'til the final round
You're not going under
'Cause God is holding you right now
You might be down for a moment
Feeling like it's hopeless
That's when he reminds you
That you're an overcomer
You're an overcomer...//
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