I love to read and I'm always on the lookout for books with amazing stories or that are trying to teach me something. And then every so often comes a book that helps you see certain things in a new light. Such is the case when I finished reading Wild at Heart by John Eldredge. 
     This book isn't something I would normally pick up, but I was intrigued by the title as well as the description that stated Discovering The Secret of a Man's Soul. I have a younger brother and one day asked him if he would like to come outside and demonstrate some of his "stunts" or as he calls it Parkour as I photograph him. 
     "Oh really?!?! Can I like hop over the fence and you capture it when I'm in the air?!?!? Okay let's go!!..." I have never seen a boy's eyes and smile so widened and full of excitement at the permission to be reckless. 
     Boys. I never fully understood why they like mud, shooting games, bloody scars and the list goes on and on. My little brother loves to dress up as his favorite super hero and slash the enemy and save the day... whereas I was always the beautiful and lovely princess who waited for the brave prince to come to the rescue. 
     As cliché as that sounds, isn't it funny how boys and girls grow up adoring these characters and wanting to be them? Even though you might not realize it, these qualities are still very much the core of many plots in today's movies. 
     I realize though how incredibly beautiful and awesome these differences are that distinguish men from women. If we are created in God's image, then it's safe to say that God has all the qualities that make up a man's heart and a woman's heart.
     God gave men the hearts of warriors. Deep inside their soul comes alive when there is adventure awaiting. They strive to be someone's hero, they proudly showcase their bloody wounds, and at the same time have a passionate heart. 
     But I find that we have sort of drifted boys and men away from this position over the years. The whole "boys save girls" is no longer deemed as chivalrous as it once was. And in turn, boys grow up feeling it isn't necessary to be that hero to someone any longer. But why?
     Chivalry is never dead. It can't be dead, it's something you are born with.... it's within your soul. You may not be fighting on a horse in a bloody battle with swords, but every man has their own battle to face in this world. And so don't be afraid to fight for whatever it is you are facing, and whatever it is that is in your heart. Don't be afraid of fighting for a dream or for love. Fight the good fight that is within you. You were created to be a valiant leader, and no matter what the world tries to convince you of... always stand up for what is right.  
     There are many men that follow what the world needs, but do what makes you come alive. Whatever it is that you love, do it. The world needs people who are passionate and have come alive.
     I smile now when I hear my little brother making his crashing noises as he plays his games. It reminds me of just how imaginative and passionate he is being just as he was created to be. Beat on brave warrior, beat on. 

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