It's that time of year again! Believe it or not, we only have about two weeks left until Christmas! I know crazy right?! If you haven't finished your holiday shopping yet and have a photographer friend, I put together a few gifts that they would love. I'm warning you though... you may be tempted to buy them for yourself ;) Happy Shopping!

Instax 90 Neo Classic Instant Camera
I haven't purchased this camera yet, but it has been on my list for a long time!
Rifle Paper Co. Phone Cases
These phone covers are the prettiest... I just purchased myself one and some are now on sale for a limited time!
ZGallerie Ceramic Flash Camera
These pretty ceramic cameras would look great in any office or room.
Shooting with Soul book by Alexandra Cave
I'm always on the lookout for books to learn new techniques and ideas... this one seems informative and fun!  
The Power Wallet from PhotoJojo
This little wallet is super cool! It doubles as a battery charger and wallet!
The Bowery bag by ONA
If you feel like splurging on a friend (or yourself!), this bag is definitely worth it. I finally purchased it before my trip this year...and it's beautiful! Both stylish and comfortable to carry your camera and favorite lens around.

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