They say 3 is a magic number. Whether that be searching for advice or using common phrases such as 'Three's a charm'....three just seems to be a lucky number. Three years ago today I sat down on my bed at night and began writing my first blog post. It didn't turn out to be a long one...because well I didn't really know where it was all going. All I knew was I had this passion and I wanted to start something...writing it online for others to stumble upon sort of made my dream more real, even if I doubted anything ever coming from it.
     What I didn't realize at the time was that every project I would lose myself into, every photograph would further bring out the person I was becoming... or rather the person I was all along. The past three years have been an amazing journey filled with opportunities and experiences I never thought I would have. This past year I had the honor to photograph my friend's wedding.
   If you told me three years ago I would be photographing a wedding, I probably would have laughed. I mean me? Photograph a wedding? No way. At times I tend to look down upon myself and think I should be farther than where I am, why is it taking so long to get where I want to be? But God is good. He has blessed me with amazing people in my life that constantly push me and have faith in me, more than I ever do sometimes. I can't believe it has already been 3 years, but then I can't believe it's only been 3. I feel as if I've accomplished so much... more than I ever thought I was capable of when I first started. 
     And so I say don't give up. Ever. Life is hard...but what would life be like if there was nothing to look forward to? Dreams keep us hoping, keep us moving forward towards that day we've been waiting for. Sometimes it turns out God has other plans for us though, but I've come to understand that His plans have always been far more amazing than anything I'd ever wished for. I'm so happy I wrote those few words that night and jumped into an unknown path. It has been one filled with laughs, learning, and more tears that could probably fill an ocean... but to me, dreams are worth it all. I can't wait to see what the future holds. Thank you for following along my adventures, for my heart resides in all of the photographs I capture. Happy almost Friday! 

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