You know the story of Cinderella....she grows up with an evil stepmother and two jealous stepsisters who treat her like a maid, and then one day her fairy godmother grants her wish to go to the ball and enjoy the evening with everyone. But before the clock strikes twelve, she must return home before her beautiful horse and carriage turns into a pumpkin and everything is revealed. Yet the prince was so smitten with Cinderella, that he begins a search for the beautiful girl that stole his heart and left her glass slipper behind. I found it so funny when the little man would try and try to squeeze the tiny slipper onto the stepsisters' large foot, with no success. And then finally the moment Cinderella tried on the slipper, everyone was left in was a perfect fit.
When I was younger I would love the idea of Cinderella finally finding her prince and being set free from the unfair life she was living back at home. Now that i'm older I think of how much this story could relate to everyone, in a sense that the slipper represented how everyone has their own destiny, their own purpose in life in which no one can take away. I must have walked one hundred times back and forth in front of the mirror at the shoe store before deciding I want no NEED these heels....and what for you ask? When I think of a valid reason other than oh because they're sooooooo pretty and sparkly----I'll get back to you =). Needless to say these beauties are now in my possession and well what is the first thing I did as soon as I got home? Photoshoot of course!!!!! Enjoy =)
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