Oh it's that lovely time of year again where you can smell the heavenly scent of gingerbread cookies baking, the presents are being wrapped in all of the pretty colors, shoppers are hustling and bustling for last minute gifts, the radio is playing holly jolly Christmas songs, and the trees are glistening beautifully and bright. It is hard to believe Christmas is only 3 days away....we seem to get in the holiday spirit so early but when it is finally here, we are all wondering where the time has gone. I have always loved the preparations for Christmas....the decorations, the trees, the lights, the beautiful gift wrap, the ornaments. And so I embarked on a monthlong project taking photos of a few of my favorite season inspired things. Our Elf on the Shelf Jack gave us a little visit too, and proved to be quite entertaining. I wish you the merriest holiday wishes...enjoy!
This was my favorite ornament...so pretty and shiny.
I found a mouse photographer ornament!
Yummy homemade cookie trees!
Boy was he in for a surprise when he would wake up...
Jack decided to cannonball into our sugar bowl.
Is it obvious how much I looove sparkly lights?!
'Tis the season of giving.
I kinda really love my new hat/headband =)
Christmas: New York City style. 
The beautiful Rockefeller Center Christmas tree.
Oh pretty lights.

1 comment:

  1. I can't take how cute elf Jack is...I love the before and after shots of him in the sugar bowl!!
