"Okay go......NOW!!!" We trudged our way up the hill as it rained on us, no wait let me rephrase that...as the wrath of Poseidon was unleashed upon us. It was the last day of junior year and my best friend Stephanie and I decided it was a lovely day to walk home. Clear skies, happy that we were finally done with school and (OH.EM.GEE....we're finally seniors!), the summer awaited us. Just one block away from home and as if it had not rained in over a century, it began to pour......hard. We were absolutely drenched, but laughed and yelled all the way home. That was definitely a day I'll never forget. Stephanie and I have been best friends ever since Middle School and boy have we had our share of stories. From sneaking over to the kids playground during gym class, to fighting over Zac Efron (which by the way he's still mine =P), to endless laughs over silly crushes...the list goes on and on. I'll never forget the last day of senior year, we both sat outside on the patio swing and signed each other's yearbook----and ended up in tears. We couldn't believe it was finally done. I mean what was going to happen now? Would college change everything? Little did we know that nothing would change at all. We took a trip down to Sandy Hook the other day and I got to shoot some lovely photos of her. Steph you truly are a beautiful person inside and out, and I know you will do great things in your life...never forget that. We made it through high school and even college together....which meannns you are officially stuck with me =D. Even though we are no longer in school I know one thing is for sure, we'll always be those two crazy girls running up the hill laughing in the rain....with not a care in the world. We'll always be Fric and Frac...I love ya Bestie!

Splashing around never gets too old for anyone!

One word: Fierce. 
Oh My Light!

She def worked it in this photo shoot....she's a natural don'tcha think?

Smiley girls are the prettiest =)
Picture Proof...I wasn't lying when I said we did go to the playground =)

1 comment:

  1. Love ya too! By the way, what you wrote in my yearbook was poetry! ;-)
