Wow exactly 4 years ago today I found myself just staring blankly in front of my laptop waiting for some spark of genius. Just give me something God... should I really do this or what? I thought as I tapped my fingers nervously on the keyboard. I had just graduated from college a few months before and had returned from an amazing road trip in California..... so now what? 
     I had a newfound passion for photography, but there was one problem. I had no idea how to use it. After a year of my camera collecting dust in my closet, I finally decided to really give this a shot and I enrolled in an online program and bought endless books. I was hungry to learn everything I could, but it was a passion inside of me that kept me moving forward. 
      I had been going back and forth whether to start a blog or not... and finally I decided to publish my first post. I want to tell you it was the easiest thing for me, but then it would be a lie. I CRINGED at the thought of a written journal of my heart being exposed online for everyone to see. But I'm so unbelievably thankful I did. 
     It wasn't much, in fact it was a few sentences declaring I'm all in... as my mind was saying BARBARA WHAT ARE YOU DOING, DELETE DELETE!!!! I'm so glad I didn't follow that fear. I've learned so many things throughout these past 4 years. I've met amazing people who have supported me in this wild dream of mine, and I've learned so much more about myself. I've discovered other loves and talents and even more dreams along the way!
     So what I say to you is this: Go for it. You don't have much to start with? Go for it. You don't think you're good enough yet? Go for it. If there is one thing I've learned the most, it's to not be afraid to start something. You don't know what you're capable of until you just try with what you've got! Whether it goes well or not... either way you'll learn about who you are along the way. Isn't that what life is about? Diving into new things and seeing what you can do? Yes it totally is!!! I can't wait to see what else is up on this awesome adventure... Happy Friday!! =) 

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