I won't deny it, I've always been the kind of girl who loves girly things. I love flowers, I love wearing lipstick (in every bright shade that a girl can possibly own), I love twirling around in dresses, I love the tip tap my heels make on wooden floors, and make fun all you want I actually don't mind bawling my eyes out to a good movie :P. And here's the big one.... I LOVE love stories, or also known as Chick Flicks. Yep I admit it, I love all of these things and more about being a girl. I mean why wouldn't I? I was created to be and to enjoy all of those beautiful things, and I am not ashamed of what makes me exactly who I am.
But it isn't always as simple as it should be. Girls grow up facing many things both physically and emotionally and often times the world tells us that we either aren't good enough, or we should be a certain way to "fit in". This often leads to girls that are more reserved (like myself) to be looked at as weaker in a sense, or to girls that are more outgoing to be known as the more possessive charactered. In any sense, I believe these things are all protective coverings to our fragile hearts, lest we expose who we truly are.
Have you ever wondered why they seem to put all of the most perfect scenarios in romantic novels and movies? I'm talking about the sweetest guy driving you to see this amazing view at sunset----on a rooftop complete with sparklers of course. Or dancing out in the rain, or piles and piles of beautifully handwritten letters. Women either fall completely in love with the stories (that would be me), or completely dislike the ideas because they believe it can never happen in real life. Why do they place all of these ideas in movies mostly geared toward women? It's because those are the things that are at the core of being a woman.
And so I decided to turn all of my loves of being a girl into a personal project. This photo project will be a series that embodies all that a woman's heart is made up of. Sparklers, bubbles, sunsets on the beach, love letters, books, balloons, splashing around in the ocean, and everything else in between. These are the things that make my heart come alive.
So here is my invitation, no here is my permission to be who you were meant to be. All of the things that make a woman who she is... the beauty, the strength, and the heart. It takes courage and time to be and show who you truly are created to be. I am who I am because of a truly wondrous God, and I grow a little more everyday in Him. It's a beautiful journey of self discovery that never ends, but a rewarding and fulfilling one I promise. You were created beautifully, don't be afraid to show the world.
Here is the first part of my project, a day at the beach I spent with my sister. Enjoy and stay tuned for my upcoming posts for Project: Her Heart. Happy Wednesday!
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