When I was little, my mom would read fairy tales in Italian to me and then teach me various words such as apple, tree, popcorn, and then record me speaking. Although because my mom barely knew any English, words such as popcorn I would pronounce "popehcorneh" (the cassettes which I still have are truly hilarious.)
One time I wasn't having too good of a day. I was on the floor of my room frustrated and my mom sat at the end of my bed listening to me and through half sobs I said, "I'll never be good enough. What's wrong with me?" I looked up to see her in tears and she softly replied, "But to me... I think what you do is beautiful. How you think, what you write...I love who you are." Those words stayed forever in my heart.
Mom your dedication to not only your children, but to God, to Dad and to your passion shows me how incredible you truly are. Sometimes I find myself speechless when I thank God for you because out of the million women over the centuries in the world... He chose you to be my mom.
Proverbs 31 depicts the beauty of a virtuous woman, and when you find her, she is worth far more than rubies. She is a woman of valor, her husband trusts in her, she provides for her family, she is wise and highly respected by her children. She is clothed with strength and dignity and laughs at the days to come. She is beautiful inside and out. Many women do noble things, but she surpasses them all.
Mom, you embody all of those beautifully written words. Thank you for all of the things you do and have ever done for me... it has been a blessing and honor to have known such a beautiful soul in my life and to call you my mother and friend.
Every night long after everyone has fallen asleep, I peek into your room and there you are reading scripture in bed. I push open the door and quietly tiptoe by you, and hug you for a moment only to smell your sweet scent and kiss you good night. I want to wish all of the beautiful Mothers in the world a Happy Mother's Day. Tonight hug your mom a little tighter, and tell her how much you love her... for a mother's love is one of a kind.

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