The Summer will always be my favorite season. There's just a happiness in the air regardless of where you are in the world that everyone understands. It's the best time to get together with family and friends and and enjoy the warm weather. Of course not all Summers are all alike, but even so there are the little things that are just too lovely not to love about this beautiful season. I've been photographing tidbits of my Summer all along so I don't forget the beautiful parts of life that happen in between everything else. Have a great weekend and enjoy!

Summer is...

Beautiful flowers in all the vibrant colors of the rainbow
Capturing life 
Finding inspiration and creating new projects
Heavenly sunsets
Flower crowns!
Strawberry Shortcake =)
All Green
Dinosaurs! Rawrrrr
My fedora, ombré hair and a Berry pout =* 
Firecracker Ice Pops!
A beautiful day at the beach
Walks on the beach
Baywatch! ;)
Jumping over waves
Digging your feet in damp sand
Last but not least, soft serve swirled ice cream...with rainbow sprinkles please =D

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