Every year I sit down to write my final post and it all comes together magically, like perfectly strung lights one after another even if it seems crazy to think an entire year has flown by.
But this year? It seems like time stopped last year at midnight when it struck 2020 and then just fast forwarded through the months.
And yet here we are. The last day of 2020.
This past year has been heartbreaking for the entire world. The pandemic causing so much heartache and loss, loneliness, and trials. My heart broke when we lost our Nonno and it still doesn't seem real that he won't be there when I visit.
As I spoke to my Nonna, she said she'd never seen something like this in all of her lifetime, wars and sickness yes... but never something like this. Truth be told I still can't believe we've lived through almost an entire year of wearing masks, quarantine, and isolation.
Yet in the midst of it all, I'm reminded that this world isn't my home. Jesus said we will go through trials, but to not fear because He did as well and He overcame them all.
These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. John 16:33I realized the more I listened to the news, others thoughts and opinions the more it entered my heart and mind and would upset me. I began to think of all the impossibilities looming... and my heart broke over and over again.
But then I was reminded to return to the Lord, that everyday would be a battle in this life. But you have to fight these thoughts and wants and go back to His Word.
Be overcome by fear. Fight and go back. Be overcome by fear again. Fight again and go back, again.
It's a never ending cycle. But I finally understand now that I will never be okay in my own strength, no matter how much I try, because I will fail in my own thoughts, and flesh that constantly strives away from the Lord.
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13
I'm slowly learning and accepting that though we are subject to the circumstances here on earth... it doesn't mean we have to be overcome by them. The more I surrender my heart, wants, needs, job, life to Jesus... the more I feel at peace. Because I know He loves me more than anything I could ever want for myself.
My brother reminded me, as hard as it is we need to start over day by day and surrender our worries... our everything to Jesus.
And this year can definitely be summed up by just that. Worry on top of worry.
But a tree that doesn't fall over during a storm isn't because it stands on its own... but rather because it is strongly rooted in the ground.
Those of us that are rooted in Christ, no matter what tempest comes, we will remain standing.
Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock:
And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock. Matthew 7:24-27
Bad things will happen to us in our lifetime that's for sure, but I know the Lord gives blessings in the midst of those bad things too.
I'm so grateful for all of my clients who made my year so memorable even in the middle of the craziness. The intimate weddings I was able to photograph, the proposals, engagements, and family sessions... thank you so much.
Just when I thought that all was hopeless, I was overcome by joy and surrounded by life's special moments.
And God reminded me that He can take the worst possible situation and make good come from it.
And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28To those who still follow along and you found yourself here... thank you. These words and photographs are just a small picture into who I am, but moreover I hope that they point you to the One who created me and you.
No matter what comes in 2021, I know that God can make beauty from ashes.
In 2021, I hope we grow deeply rooted in Truth and come to know we can withstand any storm in Christ.
2021, I'm so excited for your arrival! You have big things planned, and I know you will be unforgettable.

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