Chipping with Intention
These days my life looks a little sporadic. As in it's completely different than the year before and I'm thrown into a whole other season of newness/busyness/lets-just-roll-with-it.
I've heard the quote, "A job is just a job." And I agree that a job/career does not define who you are. But as I drove home through the dark highway after a really long day of work, I started to think.... and a thought crossed my mind.
Nothing is ever wasted for God.
Is it possible that we can find purpose in the mundane everyday things that we do? Can we take away something from all of the jobs, moments, experiences and interactions that we go through in our lives?
I'm starting to think so.
If God is the God that says He cares about the tiniest details in our lives, I don't think anything is wasted... not even the current job we may think "is just a job".
God sent Jesus to earth to live among us, and even Jesus had a job before He began His ministry. He was a carpenter.
Though a king, during the time He lived on earth he worked with wood and tools and created different things. It was a humble position, nothing fancy like you would expect a king to be.
And yet, Jesus obeyed.
He did His work, and He saw His Father through everything He did.
I admire that.
I've worked in countless settings and jobs, and I'll be honest I always thought it was never important since it was "just a job". I'm just passing through.
But it brought me to this point: Maybe we can find little sparks in the everyday moments, little things that add onto our character and build us up.
I'm starting to realize that all of my random/ not so random positions, experiences, and interactions with people are actually playing into a bigger role.
Michelangelo the famous Italian sculptor said this, "Every block of stone has a statue inside it and it is the task of the sculptor to discover it."
Though most people would probably just a see a giant rock, Michelangelo saw the slab of stone as the finished sculpture he had in His mind. He saw all the potential of what it could be... he just had to chip away at it, and slowly that vision would unveil before Him.
I kind of think of us as that slab of stone. God is the sculptor who already sees what we're going to become. But He has to chip away at us in order for that beautiful sculpture to come out.
And so if the position is making me patient... chip, chip.
If it's making me humble... chip, chip, chip.
If it's making me more like Jesus... chip, chip, chip times 1000.
See where I'm getting at?
If we start to pay attention to the little things in our jobs and experiences... we'll see that it's making us into the person God needs us to be for His purpose.
We need to be a servant before we can get to the top, so that when we do get there... our hearts will be humble.
A "humility check" so to speak so we don't forget where we came from.
It's hard most days. I feel as I'm just going by and it doesn't matter. But remember, nothing goes unnoticed by God.
So I've started this new thing in the morning, where I thank God for what He's doing in me... even though I can't exactly see what that is right now.
I'm choosing to trust and obey... because I know He's working all things for my good, and His glory.
// And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose. // Romans 8:28
May we see His hand in every moment of our lives, and may it help us become more like Him.
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