Ancora Imparo

They say that there are many seasons in life we'll go through. But some in particular for the purpose of changing our hearts. 
 The other day was the last official day of school for me. Teachers put away books, cleaned up the last of their classrooms, and I w…

Pure Gold

I sat there in my car, the skies were cloudy and gray, it seemed to match my mood. The day finally came to an end, but not without a battle. I was defeated. Dozens of papers all scrunched up in my bag of a failed lesson I attempted to teach. I just don’t understa…

Charleston | South Carolina

"Eat, drink, and be merry." - King Charles II My sister, cousin, and I spent Memorial Day weekend in Charleston, South Carolina. We packed our bags and hoped and prayed the weather would hold off despite the weather forecasting rain. We stayed …