December seems to have flown by, I can hardly believe Christmas is only 3 days away! As a child, Christmas always seemed to take forever to come, but as you get older it seems to come faster and faster! Even with all the hustling and bustling, I have been practicing taking a few photos with different techniques and so here is my lucky 5 photos that have made it up on the blog. Why lucky? Probably because out of the hundreds I took they were picked to be in the spotlight... oh and I also really liked the title. =) Have a great weekend, enjoy!
The turquoise makes the oranges seems so much more appealing... dont'cha think? |
This necklace was just too pretty not to photograph. |
I had to have this notebook with a quote so inspiring. |
New stud heels...totally fierce. |
Our little bit of snow a few weeks's wishing for a white Christmas. =) |
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