“Fear is the one thing that stops many of us from going forward and from taking a chance. Today I will take mine."
9 years ago today, I wrote those few words on this blog and then hit “publish”. The social media world had yet to really hit it off in 2011 and truthfully I was the LAST person to ever want to journal my feelings and toss them out like paper confetti into the world to see.
I was at a place of “either you move forward and do something... or you just stay stuck here in this little pity party you made for yourself.”
But, what if...
And there it was. Those three single words that kept lingering in my mind. They were a little light that kept flickering on the corner of my eyes, beckoning me to figure out what it was.
I decided to follow it and find out. And I’m so glad that I did.
I always think about the choices we make in our lives, how each and every one will lead us to a different outcome. I don’t have a doubt that God has a marvelous plan for every single soul He created. But whether we choose it or not... that’s entirely up to us.
Everyone describes success differently. To the world, it means money, recognition, and a rank in society.
But as I get older... those things seem to lose their shine. I realized that the simplest things in life were truly the treasure I had been seeking all along.
This little online journal began as a spark. And I began to dream and create and one opportunity led to another and God opened doors for me I never thought would be opened.
I met the most incredible people that helped me grow along the way... and got to experience beautiful moments in others lives through photography.
But through it all I could honestly say the hardest thing was not starting... but rather choosing to stay.
Choosing to stay even when there seemed to be no road to follow. Choosing to stay even when I felt no one was watching. Choosing to stay even when growth is slow. Choosing to stay even when it seems everyone else is way more successful.
Choosing to continue to create what God has placed in my heart and share it because I love it... has been the grandest adventure thus far.
Aren't all the things worth it in life like that though? No one is born knowing exactly what they want to do... but that’s what’s so exciting about life, getting to discover new loves and joys as we continue to grow and learn.
The Lord has been too good to me through the ups and downs... and I’m always more and more excited to see what He has for my next chapter.
It’s never too late to start something new, to begin a new project, to learn something else.
I have a quote written on my dresser and it says, “Until your heart stops beating... you still have a purpose.”
It’s a reminder that until the Lord calls me home... I’m here for a reason. He still needs me here, I’m not done yet, no matter what age.
If you stumbled upon on my words, I’d like to thank you for reading along! If we were hanging out, I’d probably serve you a cappuccino and then something sweet... and then probably more food as we gushed about life (food is my other love language!).
I'd like to thank my clients through the past years for trusting me with their memories, welcoming me into their lives, and loving me like family at all of their shoots... I'm blessed with the most incredible people I get to meet through this job.
2020 has been such a whirlwind of uncertainty... but even in the midst of chaos there has been an abundance of joy and blessings. And I'm truly grateful through it all. ♡
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