In the 7th grade, I had an English teacher who had the word "FOCUS" printed in giant letters posted high up on a wall in her classroom. 

Being 7th graders, most students would make fun of it, but she regularly would refer to it and point at it when teaching one of her lessons standing at the podium in front of our class. 

I still remember this class vividly and staring at the words every time I'd walk into first period. She placed the words there as a reminder to focus on our own work that we were doing. So many years later and those words and the memory of it still remain in my mind.

I find that today more than anything it's really hard to focus on our own path. There are so many distractions everywhere... that it makes it a real challenge to not veer off in the wrong direction. 

Social Media, entertainment, the news, and the list goes on and on. I was driving to work the other day and lately I've been feeling a bit confused, sad... and just not right.

Honesty time. I kept thinking, "God, it's hard. How am I supposed to be focused on my own path, when everyone else's successes seem to be on display like a billboard all the time?"

I know I'm not the only one that feels this way. And I've realized that I have a problem with focusing on the road that God has for me.

Truth is, it's hard not to look at other people. Considering we live in a time when everyone invites you to peek into their lives.

I met up with a friend the other night, and we talked about God, life and our businesses as we sipped on raspberry sweet tea and I slurped down my favorite bowl of Broccoli Cheddar Soup from Panera's.

Talking to someone in person lets you realize we're all in similar boats out on the big vast ocean, just trying to keep on paddling.

Some people have little boats, some speedboats, some yachts, and some fishing boats. But we're all in the same waters, under the same sky... subject to storms at some point in life.

There was a part in John 21:21 when Peter is walking with Jesus and asks him, "... Lord, and what shall this man do?" meaning how is John's life going to turn out, what cool things is he going to do for you?

And this is what Jesus replies: "If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee? follow thou me." John 21:22

Jesus pretty much told Peter that it was no concern of his what He was going to do in John's life.

Ouch. The truth hurts.  

Which brings me to this. No matter what, we need to remember people will always put the best things in life on display. I mean no one likes to throw a parade on the bad stuff right?

But no one is perfect and behind it all everyone has their own load of hurt and things they're going through.

When people run in a marathon, they don't look behind them, to the sides, or to the person wearing red who's running way ahead. Instead, they stay focused on their path and time to make sure they finish.

I want to be devoted to the season I'm in, with the people and job that was given to me right now.

I can only run forward. 

Let's do the little things, for they amount to much. Wherever you are, be all there and focus on the road that God has uniquely placed you on. 

You matter not because you're super fast or overly qualified... but because you are IN the race... now let's finish it with grace.

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