I love birthdays. I mean what's not to love about cake annnd balloons annnd a party annnd presents?!?! And no matter how old you are everyone loves a good celebration... and what better way than for the wonderful day you were born?! 
     So when I found out that the year you turn the same number as your birth date is called your golden birthday, I was so excited I could still celebrate mine!!! (Who knew right? So cool!) This year I turned 26. 26! Ahhh it's hard to believe it's almost 10 years since I've been out of high school and yet some days I feel as if I'm still the same kid at heart, and other days I feel like I've changed so much. 
     When I still a teenager, I used to think 26 was so far away and had so many different plans as to what I would be doing and where I would be. Things didn't exactly turn out the same... but isn't life funny that way? We plan and plan, and life takes us other places. We discover different loves and grow in so many areas we never even thought were within us. 
     Even though my plans as a 16 year old didn't exactly turn out the same, I'm so happy I discovered other things I loved which I never knew I was capable of doing. I love expressing the things I love in life through my photography and writing. It has brought me so much joy and I only hope to continue into this whirlwind of an adventure and never lose my sense of wonder. Life is way too incredible to stick to one path. If you are reading this, thank you for following along all these years... it means the absolute world to me. And now I'm going to go celebrate mahhh birthday!! ;) 

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